X17 offers support for challenges in engineering and gives advice on high-end production technologies. In-house knowledge together with a worldwide network enables X17 to solve complex engineering issues. Our services are strongly connected to the conceptual design phase of projects and reach until the execution phase. Central elements in the X17 engineering network are collaboration, improvement and learning cycles, focus on delivering value, and the ability to adapt to change.
Energy technology
Chemical and Physical Processes
“X17 is proud of the variety of expertise they can offer. Some of the most common fields that X17 engineers can assist in are listed as follows:”
Talent Acquisition
We place engineering professionals in permanent, temporary or contracting jobs. Our engineers are carefully assessed and selected based on the needs of our clients. From our experience we are up-to-date about the required and expected skill sets within almost every field of engineering.
Our recruitment methods aim for the right match between employer and employee as our interests and services apply to both parties – we want the best for both. Taking part in the X17 network means that you get plenty of support from many experienced professionals. Our career coaches can help you in making the right choices and finding the right path in your career. Our mission is to make sure that, together with us, great engineers can pick the fruits of X17.
Once you are part of X17 there is the possibility to work with experienced engineers on our own projects or you can work on projects for and with international clients. Our job is to make sure that candidates fit in with the client’s working culture and can go home with a smile after any day of work.